Today on the blog I am delighted to share with you the lovely wedding of Gary & Amey Tostevin, which follows on nicely from the last blog post, which was their pre-wedding portrait session in the New Forest & Milford-on-sea!
The pre wedding shoot was a really fun way to spend one of their last weekends before they became Mr & Mrs, with so much excitement and anticipation just around the corner. It was a real pleasure to then photograph their wedding day as it unfolded, from the bridal preparations at Amey’s house with all of her bridesmaids, brother and parents to greeting Gary and his family at the Church and leaving the party at Shorefields Country Park.
The ceremony was held at Hinton Church, near the New Forest, which was such a beautiful church, lovely towering trees and archways, and the cherry on the cake was the Vicar, I have never seen such a funny, joyous, church ceremony, the highlight was the ushers and the Vicar leading the hand mimes to ‘The Whole World in his Hands’ !! Brilliant!
Here’s a small selection from the day……
Congratulations Amey & Gary!